Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Today I will talk about the funniest thing that has ever happened to me is when I was about 3 or 4 years old I pooped my pants and my mom was way mad! She took me out side and housed my down and then gave me a spanking. It was scary. Another time my uncle Jake was doing a Bible study and he said the first one to talk is going to get a spanking or something like that then I was still talking and he picked me up and spanked me bare butt in front of everyone. Another tome when I was little my dad grabbed an electricall fence and it didn't shock him. He said grab it so I did. I was wearing my cowboy boots(I was like 2 years old) Right when I grabbed it he turned it on full power! I went flying back onto the road which was about ten feet away! Well that's all that I can think of. Bye.

Monday, April 30, 2007


today I read about school shootings and how the campases are trying to spot them. They have metal ditecters in above the doors so the can see if people have guns or knives and stuff like that. They have lots of othere ways to do this too. well this is the website so ya click on this.
i think that they should use technoligy better to spot these things. They should really try harder to catchthem well thats all. Bye.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Well today i will tell what I think the technology will be like in 10 years. I think that there will be easier cell phone use. I think that there will be a little thing that you put in your ear. All you have to say is like mom and it will call your moms number. i also think that there will be robots in many homes in ten years that will do things for people. I think that there will very high tech things such as pretty much like the Jetsons. It will probably get that high tech eventually but not all that much in ten years. i think there will be flying cars. they have been trying for years and they will probably find a way that works pretty soon. ( I wouldn't buy one for a while though because they will probably if they make them cost a ton of money.) I think that they will find a way pretty fast though. These are some things that will happen in the future. I also think that they might actually send a space craft with people to mars. Well that's all. Bye.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


today I will talk about some problems of mine. I have problems. I do wierd things without knowing that I am doing them. I have a staring problem. I really big one. I just start staring at something and think about something. I can't hear anyone who is talking to me. Also I can't See them either. The wierd thing is i don't evan know that I am doing it. I have another problem I tqalk to myself a lot. I just start talking to myself. I don't evan notice it either. Well it is pretty wierd. Well that's all. Bye.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Today I will talk about what I will do this summer. I will go to the ranch and work for my uncle. I hope that I will get paid good again. Then I will have to come home becaus i will be going to a basketball camp. While I am at the basketball camp I will go to a wedding. My uncle is finally getting married! Not the one that I will work for. I like weddings because you get to eat good food. the good is always really good. I hope that we will go fishing at my other uncles place in Murdo. Well that is basically what my summer will be like. I hope that I will have a good summer. Well that's all. bye.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Well today I will talk about whatever I want. I want to talk about this weekend. Well this weekend we went turkey hunting. My dad called in two hens at about 20 yards away. They would copy everything that we did on the call. It was really interesting. Then the next morning we went to a different place. My dad called in 3 turkeys. They were less than ten feet away from us! It was awesome. We would have shot but we couldn't see a beard on any of them. Then one gobbled but we couldn't see which one because they were right behind a tree that was in front of us. Well that is our hunting trip. That's all. Bye.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Today I will talk about family. Well my family doesn't do very many things. My brother, Eli, and I do lots of stuff together. I just went to a Easter family get together. We did all of the things we always do there. We played football.(My team won he he he) We also played a lot of card games. I like going to those kind of things. I will be going to my cousins wedding in June or July. I will like It I think. I love wedding there is lots of food. Better than that there is good food. Also there is good things to drink. Well that's all. Bye.