Thursday, March 29, 2007



Well today I will talk about American I dol. Well I think that that thing is fixed. Last year that guy shouldn't have won. The other guys where better. This year San jayay that guy is gay. He is so queer. I think that the big lady thats black now she rocks. Well that's all. bye.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007



today I will talk about hunting. I love to hunt. I will find some websites that you can do. I have a hunting story for you. you can go to wikispaces to find it. I will hunt big game again. I do it every year. I like to hunt deer and elk. I shot a big deer last year this is it....thats pretty good huh. I shoot elk too. i have shot some big ones. Well that's all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Well I saw bigfoot the other day. He is huge. his feet are way big. He lives with me now so no one else can find him. Also so the press won't get to him. he doesn't want people to know that he is around. Me and him do lots of stuff together. yesterday we scared some kids and had fun. Also we shot angry cats and dogs at each other. It was really fun. Actually I lied big foot is my brother is feet are like two feet long. Well I guess the press will never know that I live with bigfoot. Well that's all. don't come to my house to see him.

Monday, March 26, 2007


today i saw a UFO. It was wierd. It looked like a kitten flying through the air. I don't know why the cat was doing this. I think it was from this cannon that i saw. But this kitten was in the air and coming straight for me. It was a crazy cat you see I had to tell the cat that I was a friend and that I would never harm it. The cat basically beat the crap out of me. so I fired a UFO that was a dog out of the cannon and it headed for the cat. Then the cat beat the dog up know that cat is not from this earth. I think it was from venis. Because the cannon said I am from Venis. It was scary. Actually that never happened I made it all up it was pretty good huh? Bye.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

well today I am really sore. I ran the two mile loop again. I was first again. I did high jump too and I jumped 4ft 3inches. It is fun to high jump. Today we are going to vault. I am glad because i don't want to run the 2 mile again. I like pole vault a lot. I am actually pretty good at vaulting. Mr. T is the coach this is good because i like him and know him and he knows me. so this is another good thing. wana see some huge bucks? click this** whitetails.htm** and click this**** and this

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

today is good i did good in track yesterday. I was first in the 2 mile run. In pole vault I did good to. Today we won't pole vault because it was snowing earlier. We might high jump though and I'm doing that. They did it yesterday but i was learning to vault. We will probably run though the halls and the stairs today. It will be easy though. Well that's all. Bye.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

today is the first real track practice. I can't wait it will rock. Well today is really good. I am doing great today. In track I will pole vault, run long distance, and highjump. I will switch on and off with highjump and pole vault. I might do long jump to. I don't know yet. I will dicide during the season. Well I am good at long distance, I think. I can run far without getting tired. It's easy. Well that's all. Bye.

Monday, March 19, 2007


today is good. Track is going to start tonight. I hope that i do good. I have never pole vaulted before. I hope that I just do really good. Well I have math homework which sucks. We have a lot too. In practice I am going to be almost the only one in my class who is doing track. I will do good at track though. Track is fun I think. Well I guess I will have to see. Well that's all. Bye.

Friday, March 16, 2007

today is really boring. do you agree? Well I really think that today should be better. today
I want to not go to school. Math was fun we played a game. I hope we don't get anymore homework for today. Well that's all. bye.