Thursday, March 29, 2007



Well today I will talk about American I dol. Well I think that that thing is fixed. Last year that guy shouldn't have won. The other guys where better. This year San jayay that guy is gay. He is so queer. I think that the big lady thats black now she rocks. Well that's all. bye.


ello-poppet said...

Your blog is so inopropriate that i could puke. I am going to tell everyone not to read it. This is really Renee on Bailey's name.

stingray said...

Hey whats up Judd. If you are wondering who this is its juhalat yep get it right. Well you always make good blogs. They always make me laugh. Well this is all I really have to saw right this moment. So TTYL.

P.S. kepp up the good work.

ello-poppet said...