Tuesday, April 24, 2007


today I will talk about some problems of mine. I have problems. I do wierd things without knowing that I am doing them. I have a staring problem. I really big one. I just start staring at something and think about something. I can't hear anyone who is talking to me. Also I can't See them either. The wierd thing is i don't evan know that I am doing it. I have another problem I tqalk to myself a lot. I just start talking to myself. I don't evan notice it either. Well it is pretty wierd. Well that's all. Bye.


Hippie girl said...

You need to see a pshycologist for those things. Don't get offened or anything. Peace!

ello-poppet said...

u aren't weird. lots of people do that kind of stuff. will you re comment me i don't know what you said.

yamaha rider said...

Hey dude thats wered.

i am the ling ling' said...

I always thought you were weird

ello-poppet said...

its ok. but you got to understand why i don't like it. i didnt choose for my mom to get married to Ryan. infact i wasn't even asked if i was ok with it. i dont even like Ryan, i like my dad but he isn't here. So what can i say?
comment me back.

ello-poppet said...

he is my moms new husband. he is such a jerk and i can't even go see my dad because of Ryan. I don't think that i have ever talked to someone about him.

angelanna said...

that kool