Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Today I will talk about the funniest thing that has ever happened to me is when I was about 3 or 4 years old I pooped my pants and my mom was way mad! She took me out side and housed my down and then gave me a spanking. It was scary. Another time my uncle Jake was doing a Bible study and he said the first one to talk is going to get a spanking or something like that then I was still talking and he picked me up and spanked me bare butt in front of everyone. Another tome when I was little my dad grabbed an electricall fence and it didn't shock him. He said grab it so I did. I was wearing my cowboy boots(I was like 2 years old) Right when I grabbed it he turned it on full power! I went flying back onto the road which was about ten feet away! Well that's all that I can think of. Bye.